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BigFooters, the talented young collective of content creators, and founders of the monthly “Original Content Networking Event” that consistently brings creators from all parts of the industry together, has hosted the first and hopefully last “At Home Short Film Contest.” 


We want to thank all participants who took part in this challenge. We're pleased to announce and welcome the following 15 short films to the 2020 At Home Short Film Contest. All of the films below are the official selections in this year's contest.  


Now it’s up to you, the viewer, to vote. You can vote for your favorite film by liking the video on our Youtube channel. Simply click on the pictures below to view each of the videos.


The very best of luck on May 1 2020 when all the winners in each category will be announced online!

Official Selections-


Personal Selections

The Worst Day Ever

Brandon Dean Johnson - CEO / Founder of BigFooters

including Taj Shareef - Head Writer of BigFooters

The Tool

Peter Darbey - COO & Director of BigFooters


Everyone that contributed has shown their  true dedication to the entertainment realm through their work. All the following participants have created a one to five minute short film of any genre (comedy, horror, etc.), while adhering to the VERY STRICT guidelines of social distancing and quarantine. In other words, everyone made a film in their living spaces and without endangering the well-being of others, as well as themselves.

Additional info:

We have partnered with The Good Nite Bar in

North Hollywood to screen all selected films. A screener date will come after the 2020 quarantine has been lifted. 



By submitting your short film, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to the following terms:

1. You have all intellectual property rights to all content in the submission and you have the performing rights for any music contained in the film.

2. If requested you will provide evidence of intellectual property ownership should it be required.

3. You agree to allow BIGFOOTERS and its related bodies corporate, successors, licensees and assignees to use your film and any associated photos or extracts in the at Home Short Film Contest and or any associated running or adventure programming in any digital format including cinema projection, streaming compilations, anywhere in the world in perpetuity. Films may be shown at multiple screenings. Segments of the films may be used in trailers and marketing. Photographs, screen grabs or filmmaker submitted images may be used in promotional material and social media. 

4. The short film submitted is not subject to litigation nor is threatened by any litigation.

5. You are duly authorized to submit this film to the festival and its competition.

6. You understand that BIGFOOTERS is not responsible for any type of loss or damage to you pertaining to the film or its use by BIGFOOTERS.


BigFooters LLC

4875 Huntington Dr N

Los Angeles, CA

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